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李飚打击乐团音乐会 感受跨越世纪的节奏(图)

http://www.shcaoan.com 中华娱乐网 2010-9-11

李飚打击乐团音乐会 感受跨越世纪的节奏(图)

李飚打击乐团音乐会 感受跨越世纪的节奏(图)

李飚打击乐团音乐会 感受跨越世纪的节奏(图)


The Rhythm beyond Century—Li Biao Percussion Group Concert 2010





李飚 / Biao Li

菲利浦·永克 / Philipp Jungk

罗尼·文策尔/ Ronni Kot Wenzell

埃里克斯·哥鲁克纳 / Alexander Gloggle

克劳迪欧·埃斯塔伊 / Claudio Estay

鲁迪·鲍尔 / Rudolf Bauer


鲍普·贝可尔 - 穆德拉德舞蹈/Bob Beck %26#8211; Mudra

皮尔·安特利亚森 - 锡舞/Per Andreaason %26#8211; Tinplay

G.H.Green -雷哥泰姆舞曲/G.H.Green - Rag time

斯蒂夫·莱切-鼓动第一篇章/Steve Reich - Drumming Part 1

三木 稔-马林巴圣曲/Minoru Miki -Mariba Spiritual

菲利普·永克%26#8211;深溪/Phil Jungk - Deep stream

约翰·凯奇-构造三 /John Cage - Third Construction

安娜·丽娜·劳瑞%26#8211;太阳升起的地方/Anna-Lena Laurin-Where the sun rises

李飚打击乐团-鼓动非洲/Li Biao Percussion Group - African drumming

阿斯托·皮亚佐拉 - 探戈组曲/Astro Piazzola - Tango Suite

鲁瑟·培克 - 腾飞/ Rusell Peck - Lift off


鲍普·贝可尔 穆德拉德舞蹈

Bob Becker Mudra


The compose Bob Becker is member of famous NEXUS percussion group. Mudra is name comes from an Indian dance. Composer uses the Indian traditional music elemnts to add into western harmonic sound effect. The 5 percussionists present the piece as a surround sound effect. The solo percussionist plays an Indian drum.

皮尔·安特利亚森 锡舞

Per Andreason Tin play


Tin play is composed by the Swedish composer Per Andreason (1981)during the summer of 2004.This is the Andreason's first composition for percussion. He used different tin foil cans as his main instruments and effect of tonality performed through the virtuoso musicians are unimaginable. It brings audience into a pure percussion world.


Rag time G. H. Green


Ragtime is a dancing use from America Jazz music and was very popular through the end of 19th century. Li Biao rearranged ragtime into percussion music and the happy melody will bring audience into a 19th century ragtime world.

斯蒂夫·莱切 鼓动

Steve Reich Drumming


After 20th century, many composers are looking for "simple"music.Simple as composition technique are used through repeating parts that become as whole sound effect.Compose Steve Reich went to Ghana to study the traditional drums in order to find interaction with the locals.His study trip has great impact on his composition style.Drumming is a very grand composition,the starting of the music with slow motion and different rhythm and sound of drum join in slowly and become bigger and bigger into a pure rhythm space.

三木 稔 马林巴圣曲

Minoru Miki Marimba Spiritual

日本作曲家三木 稔在上世纪80年代创作的这首作品,已成为世界上最著名的打击乐作品之一,圣曲 作为独奏作品李飚已在世界各地演出,李飚和他的朋友们的版本是独一无二的,更多的激情,更多的节奏,让这个作品以新的音响概念呈现给观众。

Marimba Siritul as the solo pieces has traveled with Libiao all over the world. Libiao and his percussion group rearrange the new version by adding in more instruments with more rhythm and passion. This is the brand new version for the concert .Hope can bring audience a new and fresh sound enjoyment.

鲁瑟·培克 腾飞

Rusell Peck Lift off



Rusell Peck compose this piece in 1966 for 3 percussionist or more. He wrote for 3 percussionists to play 3 drums.(one base drum and tom tons). This piece has two pars.first part as percussionist use rhythm to have interesting conversation through drums.second part,16th note stand as the important parts and it stands at the end with a strong closing. The sound effect of the drum is like the helicopter just take off the ground.
